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How to create an activation that would materialize the Amstel tagline, "I Am What I Am"? Our challenge was not to label or frame any type of minority and struggle, we needed to materialize Amstel as it is: for all people, regardless of how they are.
In addition to the Amstel flavor, we wanted to share the freedom and diversity for the entire event!
Our Amstel Studio has proven that everyone can be whatever they want and feel like, leaving people looking much more stylish from head to toe! Hair became freer and more powerful, with 120 consultations in the Whip My Hair area, 80 people saw their nails become art and over 180 pieces of clothing were available for exchange and went to create new stories in our audience's homes!
Everyone knows that there is no beer that represents diversity more than Amstel. Every style, way of being and thinking is accepted. A brand that seeks to promote freedom, helping you to be exactly who you want to be.
Focusing on the brand's tagline "I Am What I Am", we created the Amstel Studio, a safe and encouraging space, which sought to break the paradigms between beautiful and ugly, aesthetically accepted or not. For this, we developed this space with representativeness and tools so that self-expression was what it should always be: free.
A gallery was set up inside the Coala Festival with 3 stations of experiences, focused on personal forms of expression: Hair, Nail or Fashion.
Each station was signed by a curator: Nail Art by Roberta Munis, Whip My Hair by Wesley Fernandes and the Ex(change) by Isaac Silva and Naiara Albuquerque, selected curators who have an active voice, after all, we wanted people who would not only bring the experience , but a baggage and a history in favor of defending the expression of literally being who one is.
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