Italian cultural baggage, family connection and expertise in the development of gelato.
Production methods and appreciation of artisanal thinking to create options that highlight your passion and dedication. The idea is to bring the Italian tradition of gelato to Brazil.
Giving face and life to the company through the understanding of three central pillars: market, public, culture.
The team focused its creative process on understanding the scenario of ice cream and confectionery, in addition to immersing themselves in consumer behavior to better decipher their mindset and
perception of brands and products. Finally, the team recognized the importance of delving into Italian gastronomic culture, especially the line of gelato, to create a concept that is capable of dealing with the theme with all the appropriate property and expertise.
The main objective was to convey to the target audience the Italian passion involved in the gelato production process. Highlighting the range of products (which go beyond gelato) and how it carries with it a level of Italian excellence. Briefly, the objective became to transmit a contact with the Italian culture through the taste. The initial strategy was to build a brand that is capable of incorporating the concepts: tradition, creativity, lightness and family. Each element carries with it a significant weight that reflects the history of the project and its creators.
Then, strategies were highlighted that aim to attract the public to the space and the brand, putting them in contact with the products (and their differentials) and with the Italian culture. To deal with these approaches, two lines of action were created: digital and physical.
With digital, there is the development of a series of editorials for social networks that focus on talking about gelato, production, origin, diversity in the menu and culture through gastronomy (Italian references).
As a physical action, a live marketing strategy was designed to get the public in the target region to taste the gelato and have contact with the brand's culture.
The role of action comes from the notion that it is not feasible to just say that a product is good, it is necessary to get the consumer to try it and draw conclusions. The action, despite limited resources, sought to optimize the consumer experience and show that the brand is human and fun through a tasting cart that circulates through strategic points such as Pontão do Lago Sul, Parque da Cidade, shopping malls and/or supermarkets.
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