In January 2020, we received a challenge from 99: to increase the number of trips in the middle of the holiday month, when most capital cities are empty and, therefore, the races are very low!
Thus, our mission was to develop a 100% digital campaign that would increase the number of races in the city of Brasília and, preferably, working on the brand's relationship with the consumer.
The campaign was so successful that it started out as a project just for Brasilia and was replicated in the squares of Belo Horizonte and Goiânia!
We never really know our own city, we always go to the same places, with the same people, and when part of our friends and family are traveling, it becomes an incentive not to leave home: why see more of the same and still with the city "empty", right?
Well, having stayed in your city during the holidays is no reason not to discover something new. What we need is just: knowing where to go!
With that in mind, we developed a 100% digital campaign called: "Who said you have to travel to discover new places?" – the #VouDe99NaMinhaCapital campaign.
With that, we created 5 guides based on 5 different profiles: clubbing, gastronomy, family, couple and alternative. For each of these profiles, we invited local influencers for each niche and thus build guides with tips on places in Brasilia that escape the obvious! To top it off, each guide came with a discount code to be used in the 99 app!
The campaign guides were available on pages adapted to different devices, with the option of downloading in pdf and sharing via email and WhatsApp.
Custom codes for each guide gave us greater strategic control of the campaign. We also activated e-mail marketing and the 99 application itself, directing it to the campaign pages, in addition, we concentrated communication on social networks at a point of contact with the hashtag: #VouDe99NaMinhaCapital.
Renewing the route involved occupying the city and moving Brasília. The campaign not only increased the number of requests for travel in the middle of the holiday month, but also brand recognition.
With the delivery of the campaign, we achieved: 1 million impressions and 255k reach on social networks, 4k in content views and generated 39 thousand interactions with the brand.
People from Brasilia received the campaign so well that the brand replicated the idea in Belo Horizonte and Goiânia.
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